
memories i shal not forget.

these are all memories of e1 till now. end of sem1! i love them so much!
guys, we will b frens forever!! even if im married. xD ekhem3 ke3/ lililalalla!!

im cuttin vc's hair. am i good or wat?
its sitobelei's bday!

study group! not so. :P
im da saviour of the world! jeng3
ugly faces.

im in red shirt! spot me!

dang. can u see me. sissy/ ==
im da saviour of the world!! (old)

we haf done so many stupid things together.!!''

includin this. :D

wts wrong wit me. no advice me before nt to do dat. ==
guys. guud luck in ur exam. we will meet again in sem2!
one j

1 comment:

雨向晴 Karena Ang said...

We love you Jarrod as how u love Shi Yun!!How far MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! =p